
Sexual turn-ons, your compass for soul expansion

Crystal Dai 万物爱人 Juicy Medicine 2023-10-25

Before reading further, think about a few things that turn you on, especially those that seem "weird", "perverted", or "too much". 


When I was a kid, I found myself turned on by torture scenes in TV. I thought I was abnormal and I should never ever tell it to anybody. 


Until I found out how common it is after talking openly about sexuality with many people-why do you think there are so many torture scenes in the media if otherwise? 


Sexual energy is such a fundamental life force. We can easily forget a certain spiritual practice or a healing method, no matter how good we think they are, but we can't really forget our sexual turn-ons.


Even if you’ve succeeded in suppressing them during awake time/conscious mind, they shift their stage to dream world/subconscious mind.


They are always with us, constantly reminding us of the direction of our soul expansion. 


For example, I’ve been contemplating on why I find consensual overpowering such an intense turn-on, and I got full clarity recently: I long to experience being served and taken care of by people who have power over me, so that I can heal the past life/collective traumas of being destroyed by them. 


I’m always very aware of the darkest sides of human nature. I have vivid “memories” of things like witch prosecution.


I fear authorities because I fear being considered as “not legitimate to exist” and destroyed cruelly. I fear being seen by too many people, because that makes me vulnerable.


This is really getting in the way-it makes me live my life with extra caution, keep playing small, missing great opportunities therefore feeling constantly frustrated.


To heal this, I need to re-program myself by introducing positive associations with vulnerability.


There are many ways to do this, for example, expressing feelings and desires authentically, which has worked wonderfully for me.


And things can often go deeper when the sexual energy is incorporated in the right way.



A massage therapist once found out to treat the same pelvic problem, it takes ten sessions for regular clients while it takes only one session for a lover under aroused state.


We often have less resistance while we are sexual. The resistance disappears fully during the very moment of orgasm, that’s why we can use orgasms to do manifestation magic or absorb positive beliefs.


Many people find it a turn-on to be physically constrained-unable to move, not knowing what the person in control will do next, while feeling pain/stress that can be either increased or relieved anytime.


Exciting and scary at the same time.


The only thing you know is that the other person is connected to you, observing your breath and body language, and will adjust or stop immediately if you say it’s too much.


It seems that you are totally at the mercy of the other one, but you are actually the one being served and have the ultimate control.  


This can be profoundly healing.


Some people are already combining kink and healing in a structured way, for example, someone in Netherlands uses needle play to open the heart chakra, and someone in Thailand accompanies a tied up client with trance-inducing shamanic drumming as a healing method.



I’m not only talking about those turn-ons that are commonly considered as “kinky”.


I have a friend who gets intensely turned on by food miniatures, I can’t speak for her how exactly this is related to her soul expansion but I feel this unique turn-on is absolutely amazing.


There are many people so ashamed of certain desires that they never dare to reveal them to their partners, therefore end up suffering frustration, lack of sexual passion or guilt of cheating.  


All feelings, thoughts and desires are perfectly legit and worth full embracing. We don’t have to act on all of them, since certain acts don’t contribute to the well-being of ourselves and others.


With authenticity, compassion and wisdom, we can work out consensual ways to meet the core needs.


For example, the desire to overpower someone can lead to rape, and can also be fulfilled in consensual domination play.



Being a sexual human is a miraculous experience. We can use our sexual energy for fun, reproduction and relationships, and it goes way beyond that.


We can literally make love with the whole universe. For example, we can direct our lust to creativity and productivity and fuck the world to bliss.


And this has to start with radical acceptance of the full spectrum of our sexuality.

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Cervix, the neglected sacred spot

The Atomic Bomb of Love, Your Highest Achievement

Crystal's Miracle Valley

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